Are you in a relationship with someone who seems distant or unavailable emotionally? If so, you may be dealing with an emotionally unavailable partner.

An emotionally unavailable partner cannot give or receive love healthily. They may struggle to express feelings, connect with others, or commit to a relationship.

It’s important to spot an emotionally unavailable partner before you get too into the relationship. Otherwise, you could waste your time and energy on someone incapable of giving you the love and support you deserve.

Signs of an emotionally unavailable partner

Many signs can indicate that you’re dealing with an emotionally unavailable partner. Here are a few of the most common:

  • They avoid intimacy. Emotionally unavailable partners may avoid intimacy in many ways. They may not want to talk about their feelings, share their personal lives, or spend time with you alone. They may also be physically distant by keeping their body language closed off or not making eye contact.
  • They are always busy. Emotionally unavailable partners may always seem busy with work, friends, or other activities. They may have a lot of excuses for why they can’t see you, or they may be constantly working or doing other things when you are together.
  • They are inconsistent. Emotionally unavailable partners may be hot and cold. They may say one thing and do another or make plans with you and then cancel at the last minute. This can be confusing and frustrating for the other person in the relationship.
  • They are controlling. Emotionally unavailable partners may try to control the other person in the relationship. They may try to dictate their behaviour, make all the decisions, or put them down if they don’t do what they want. This can be a very toxic and unhealthy dynamic.
  • They are critical. Emotionally unavailable partners may put down the other person in the relationship. They may make them feel like they’re not good enough, or they may criticize their appearance, personality, or choices. This can be very damaging to the other person’s self-esteem.
  • They are avoidant. Emotionally unavailable partners may withdraw from the other person in the relationship, either emotionally or physically. They may become distant, cold, or even ghost them altogether. This can be very painful and confusing for the other person, and it can be challenging to know what to do.

It’s important to remember that not everyone exhibiting these signs is emotionally unavailable. However, if you notice a pattern of these behaviours in your partner, it’s worth talking to them about it. If they are unwilling to change, you may need to consider ending the relationship.

How to deal with an emotionally unavailable partner

Setting boundaries is essential if you’re in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable partner. Let your partner know what you need from them in a relationship, and don’t be afraid to walk away if they can’t meet your needs.

  • Understand the Situation: Recognize that emotional unavailability is not your fault. Refrain from taking it personally if they can’t offer the love and support you seek.
  • Set Clear boundaries. Let your partner know what you need from them in a relationship. Make your partner aware of these boundaries.
  • Prioritize Communication: Openly share your feelings and concerns with your partner. Remember to communicate without placing blame, focusing instead on how you feel.
  • Seek professional help. If you struggle to cope with your partner, a therapist can help you develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Remember that you deserve to be happy. You don’t have to settle for a relationship not meeting your needs. If you’re in a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable, don’t be afraid to walk away and find someone who can give you the love and support you deserve

The Bottom Line

Being in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable partner can be very challenging. It can be difficult to know what to do or how to feel when your partner constantly withdraws or rejects you.

However, it’s important to remember that you deserve to be happy in a relationship with someone who can give you the love and support you need.

Signs You Have an Emotionally Unavailable Partner and How to Cope