Self-care is more than just a buzzword. It’s a crucial part of maintaining your overall health and wellness, and it’s something that we should be practising regularly. That said, sometimes, knowing where to start with self-care is hard. You know you need it, but you’re unsure how to start. Here are some self-care tips to help you get going. 

Here are ten ways to practice self-care today — and every day:

1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is not a luxury. On the contrary, it’s a necessity and essential aspect of self-care.

Sleep deprivation affects your mood, energy level, and cognitive functions. It can contribute to weight gain, cause physical problems such as headaches and back pain, and reduce your ability to focus.

The amount you need is different for everyone. Still, the experts recommend that adults need to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

2. Eat good food

To eat well and be healthy.

Eat various foods from all the food groups on your plate at each meal.

Try to make sure there’s some protein, whole grains (like rice and oats), fruits and green leafy vegetables, healthy fats (such as olive oil), dairy products (like yoghurt) and legumes (like beans).

Avoid processed foods like canned soups, sausage, ham and bacon. These are often packed with salt (sodium), sugar, or both!

Reduce saturated fat by eating less red meat – beef, lamb and pork. Processed foods also have a higher level of saturated fats.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest things you can do to take care of yourself.

Drink an adequate amount of water. Experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses daily, and you’ll be doing your body a favour in more ways than one.

Water helps with digestion and keeps you hydrated. It is also essential for regulating body temperature and detoxing your body.

4. Exercising is part of self-care

It doesn’t matter if you’re a runner, a yogi, or just someone who likes to take walks around the neighbourhood. The important thing is that you’re moving.

Inactivity leads to chronic diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. A lack of physical activity is one of the most significant factors in developing these diseases. However, exercise offers many other benefits in addition to the prevention of chronic diseases.

5. Find joy in your life

Finding joy in the little things is a great way to increase your happiness. You can start by focusing on what you enjoy most about your life, whether it’s your friends and family or some other aspect of your life. Then, look at these things and find joy in them.

Another way to find joy is by connecting with nature. Enjoying time outside can help you feel good about yourself and remind you that there are other people out there who care about you, too!

6. When it is time to relax, do it the right way

There is a time for relaxing, and finding the best way to do it is crucial.

Relaxation can benefit your mind and body, but not all methods are created equal.

It may be good to take trial and error before you find what works best for your personality and lifestyle.

Some examples of relaxation methods include:

  • Meditating in front of a candle flame
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Listening to music that calms you down

7. Know your limits, and don’t overdo it

You have to know your limits so you can set boundaries for yourself.

The key is not to overextend yourself or take on too much, which can harm your well-being.

Take time off from work. For example, if you feel like you’re working too hard and need a day off, take one!

Or, if you’ve had a rough week where everything has gone wrong, give yourself permission to take some time off work and relax.

8. Stay connected with friends and family, even if they are far away

You may be far from family and friends, but that doesn’t mean you must go without their support.

Technology has enabled us to stay connected even when we’re not in the same place. Try these ways of staying close:

  • Stay in touch through phone calls, texts, emails and social media.
  • If you have Skype, WhatsApp or Viber, use those platforms for virtual face-to-face chats with loved ones. They don’t have to be lengthy—even a five-minute chat can help keep your relationship strong!

9. Take care of your physical needs every day

Every day, you spend hours of your time doing things that are physically demanding.

When you get home from work, there may be more dishes to wash and floors to vacuum. Your children might need help with homework or practice for their sports teams. In addition, you might be taking care of an older parent who needs assistance with daily tasks like cooking or bathing.

To help yourself, you can stretch out or get a massage for sore muscles, drink a strong hot cup of tea or relax for a few minutes.

10. Be grateful for what you have and share it with others

When you are grateful, you feel a sense of peace within yourself. As a result, you have less stress and a more positive mindset in life.

Gratitude is one of the best ways to care for yourself because it can help you stay happy and healthy.

When you share with others, you feel good about what they’re getting out of it and yourself because sharing means giving back instead of just taking away from someone else.

Sharing doesn’t only mean giving your things away. It can also be done in other ways, such as helping around the house or supporting an older neighbour.

The Bottom Line

Self-care is important for everyone. No matter what you do for a living.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee in a large corporation, some of the most effective ways to take care of yourself are also the easiest and least expensive: being kind to yourself and making time for fun and relaxing things.

Make Yourself a Priority with These 10 Critical Self-Care Tips