You probably know that gorgeous hair is the hallmark of crowning beauty.

You look good but will never be gorgeous if your hair is messy. Your hair is a more significant thing in your overall look. It is crucial and one of the most beautiful parts of your personality.

If a person’s hair is not in good health, it leaves an awful impression of that person on others. So, there are ample reasons why you need to take care of your hair.

Gorgeous hair is the key to beauty not only for girls but also for boys. If we saw a girl with long, lovely hair from the back, we were eager to see her from the front. Many fairy tales, stories and songs are also based on the attraction of long hair. Everybody dreams of having good, beautiful, healthy and strong hair.

This is the reason why hair product businesses make millions of dollars. Everyone is willing to spend money to make their hair a spectacular one.

Nishsgirl loves things that make your hair gorgeous. These are the simple, workable tips that every busy woman can follow.

1. Keep the hair clean

There are arguments over the frequency of washing hair.

This depends on several factors, like your hair and scalp type, which is dry, oily, or normal. If there is dust and you go outside frequently, you need to wash it daily. But there is less exposure to dust; you can do it on an alternate day.

Another controversy is the type of shampoo to be used. Selecting one seems easy. But this becomes complex with product ranges available in the market and the influence of the advertisements.

Choose a quality brand that is more appropriate for your hair and scalp. When there is dandruff, shampoo with anti-dandruff action needs to be used.

2. Use the right hair brush

The aim of using a comb is to remove the knots.

Therefore, the type of comb needs to match your hair type. If your hair is thick, the comb shall be of wider teeth.

You must select a more wide-teethed one to comb if they are curly. This enables easy detangling while preserving curls and preventing damage to the hair.

3. Avoid using styling tools too often

We use curling irons, blow dryers, and flat irons to make the hair gorgeous.

But this comes with a price because exposure to high temperatures dries and brittle your hair.

So, the best option is to minimize the use of these hot irons. You do not need to use them to go to a supermarket.

4. Sleep on silk and avoid rubbing hair

Excessive rubbing can damage the hair. This can happen when sleeping on a cotton pillow. The silk pillow cover is smooth and won’t rough up the hair, leaving you soft, stunning hair.

When the hair is wet, it becomes weak. So, if you rub it with a towel, hair can break up. You need to squeeze out the excess water, and pat dry the hair with a gentle cloth.

5. Eat healthy foods

You must ensure that you are taking a balanced diet. We give attention to the hair follicle once it leaves the scalp. If you see the advertisements, all advise you to apply hair products to your hair. But hair products are useless if you are not taking a required nutrient.

A diet rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Micronutrients like iron and zinc are also crucial for better hair growth. Your hair is composed of proteins, so protein deficiency affects hair growth.

6. Have a hair massage

Experts recommend regular hair massage for healthy and strong hair, preferably with herbal oil. Massage your scalp and hair one or two times a week. For the massage, you can use a range of herbal oils. Read more about herbal oil for hair growth and massage.

Massage your scalp, which increases blood circulation to your hair. If you want to bring instant shine to your hair, do turban therapy. Apply and massage olive oil to your scalp and hair.

And then collect all the hair on top of your head. Dip a towel in warm water and tie it on your head like a turban. Remove the turban before it cools off. This therapy allows oil to instantly absorb your scalp and make your hair healthy and radiant.

Or massage during shampooing the scalp during bath.

7. Trim the hair regularly to match your face

Remember that you tend to skip trimming when growing your hair, but you need to trim it regularly to maintain a healthy length.

It is recommended that you need to have a haircut every six to eight weeks to prevent the formation of split ends. When the spit goes up in the hair shaft, it becomes thin and tends to break. Once it splits, it cannot be repaired. So, you need to act before it spits by regularly trimming the hair.

Another aspect is to cut a hairstyle that best matches your Face. There are different face types, and no haircut styles match all face types. Consult a styling professional if you cannot decide what suits you best.

8. Use hair supplements consciously

You can easily find a vast amount of hair supplements now. These can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor. But are these needs? The best answer is that food is the ideal source of vitamins and other hair growth nutrients.

You need a supplement if you are deficient in any of these nutrients. If your hair is unhealthy and you are short on some vitamins, you must work it with a doctor. Taking large doses of vitamins can be harmful because some can cause toxicity if not deficient.

With these practical tips, you can get beautiful hair without spending much. Diet is the key to having gorgeous hair.

The Bottom Line

Hair care is a big part of your life. It’s important to always keep up with your hair to look its best. You also want to protect it from damage and breakage.

How to Get Gorgeous Hair at Home Without Going to a Salon